Sécuriser votre environnement pour vous concentrer sur votre métier
Reconnu internationalement comme le cabinet indépendant spécialiste de la gestion des risques
notre solution
Protégez votre activité grâce à nos expertises autour de la gestion de l’identité, notre connaissance des risques IT et métier.
Gardez une longueur d’avance sur les évolutions du cadre réglementaire et sécurisez vos applications en vous appuyant sur notre expérience et nos experts.

A vos côtés pour briller par la réussite de vos défis d'aujourd'hui et demain
Cassez les codes des "Big". A travers sa vision stratégique, son expertise de niche et son approche sur-mesure, Turnkey fait résonner la sécurité au sein de vos métiers.
Nos clients
Qui avons-nous aidé

Notre vision et nos contributions
Etudes de cas
Votre partenaire de confiance international dans la mise en place de solutions de sécurité.

A smooth implementation of SAP Business Integrity Screening (BIS) for controls automation for SAP S/4 HANA
Siemens is a global powerhouse focusing on the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization, with over 385,000 employees world-wide. The objective was to ensure the best use of the available technology to create alerts for potential risks or fraud.

Turnkey implements SAP GRC to achieve significant business benefits
Ruralco has used SAP for many years, but their growth and acquisitions have resulted in many different business units, and the SAP security systems not always keeping pace with organisational and process change. They turned to Turnkey to help implement SAP GRC.

Providing SAP Cyber Security peace of mind
We helped Serco evaluate the cyber threats across their entire infrastructure and

Managing access violation and improving efficiency with the Bedrock GRC Managed Service
With over 35,000 people working for Sodexo in the UK and Ireland, Sodexo strives to improve the quality of daily life at over 2,000 client locations across all market sectors. They takes advantage of Bedrock - Turnkey's GRC managed service - to support their SAP GRC activities.

Implementing an integrated risk management platform using SAP GRC Process Controls
The tobacco industry is heavily regulated and JTI takes its compliance responsibilities very seriously. The business invested in SAP systems over many years, and we were appointed to deliver the implementation of SAP GRC Process Controls.