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9 October 2024

Infographic: How to unite your SAP and Identity teams

Picture this: a world where your SAP and Identity teams and solutions work in perfect harmony, where security is robust yet invisible, and where efficiency isn't just a buzzword but a daily reality. This isn't a far-off dreamit's the potential of a well-implemented enterprise identity governance and administration (IGA) solution.  

But here's the thing: while the right technology is crucial, the real crux of ensuring the solution is implemented universally, efficiently, and even works at all lies in bringing your SAP and Identity teams together. Want to understand where your teams stand now and how to foster this vital collaboration? Take a deep dive into our infographic below to uncover the current state of your SAP and Identity teams and discover actionable strategies to bridge the gap between them. 

SAP and Identity Collaboration Infographic_US English


The path to integrating your SAP and Identity functions isn't without its hurdles. Different priorities, varying expertise, and sometimes even a bit of resistance to change can create friction between these teams. But by fostering open discussions, providing cross-training, and appointing an 'integration champion', you can bridge these divides. The result? A unified approach that not only prepares you for life after SAP IdM but also supercharges your organisation's security, efficiency, and user experience. 

Recommended reading: Dive into this two-part blog series to gain unique insights into SAP-Identity collaboration from both teams' perspectives. Discover more on why uniting these often-siloed teams is critical for robust enterprise security and learn about the challenges each team faces, the surprising benefits of integration, and practical strategies to bridge the gap. Read about how SAP teams can work better with Identity teams here or learn about bridging the gap from an Identity team perspective here.